In 2003, the company decided to work with the guidelines set by the ISO 9001 Quality Standard, achieving this certification granted by AENOR in 2004.
Its commitment to the environment has led TGM to obtain the environmental management certificate issued by AENOR in accordance with the ISO 14.001 standard in June 2006, as well as to voluntarily adhere to the EMAS environmental management and auditing system. Within the framework of EMAS, we publish an annual Environmental Declaration, verified by AENOR, in which we inform the general public of our environmental performance.
The health and safety of the people who work at Toldos Gómez is another of our priorities, and since 2010 we have had an integrated management system based on international standards that seek to ensure this. Since 2019 we have had the Occupational Health and Safety certificate in accordance with the ISO 45001 standard issued by AENOR.
In November 2016, we joined the United Nations Global Compact, an international initiative to implement 10 universally accepted principles in companies to promote corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the areas of Human Rights and Business, Labor Standards, Environment and the Fight against Corruption.
We publish an annual progress report to account for our progress in this area.
Configuration of the share capital
Toldos Gómez is a commercial company that adopts the legal form of a limited company, with the ownership of its shares divided between 7 individuals.
Given that there are close family relationships between the owners, Toldos Gómez is considered a family business. A family protocol approved unanimously by the family owners in March 2006 and registered in the Commercial Registry regulates the relationships between the family and the company.
The highest governing body of the company, since 2006, is the Board of Directors, which is made up of 8 members appointed by the General Shareholders' Meeting, including three independent professionals.